
Fáilte. Welcome.

For many years i have felt a strong connection with nature. This has led me to seek the truth about the environment everywhere i have travelled on this beautiful planet, our Home. Unconscious lifestyles are poisoning our life support systems, our food, our drinking water, the air that we breathe, and i have discovered that human beings are unwittingly causing this destruction.

There are now over 7 billion of us. In the 1950s there were 3.5 billion human inhabitants of planet Earth.

In my life’s journey i was educated by studying nature and listening to wise teachers who lived and worked with nature all of their lives. My awakening was in South America where i lived with indigenous peoples as part of nature for two years.

The truth is we are slowly poisoning the mother who feeds us. It is humanity that will suffer greatly in the long term if we do not learn to live more conscious daily lifestyles. We need to care more if there is to be a future for humanity on this planet.

We have one common mother, Earth. Let us show her some Love.

Go raibh maith agat. Thank you.


Quote: Enya, Irish Princess “If Every Man Says All He Can. If Every Man Is True”